Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Attacking: Secret In Positioning

Positioning is one of the key to a successful attack. Players out of position couldnt harm the defense much. But not many people actually know that 1 player position will create a breakthrough for his team.

For example:

Bad Position

If the midfielder pass too early to the wingback, the opponent defender will mark the winger. So the attack stop at the wingback and thus could not release the winger for a devastating attack.

But if the player is smart and wait till the wingback in a good position like below:

Good Position

The defender will auto mark the incoming wingback thus leaving the winger empty. The wingback can just turn and pass easily letting the winger to be free and gone like the wind.

Although it seems to be simple but many like to pass the ball around without taking into consideration on the position. 1 simple pass with good position can destroy the entire team defense system.

So dont just pass the ball around until the end. Play beautiful football ^^

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

WCG 08: Register NOW!

After a long wait and just a few weeks till WCG Malaysia 08 officially launch, now everyone can register!

The games are:
  1. Half-Life:Counter Strike: 32 slots
  2. Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath: 32 slots
  3. FIFA Soccer 08: 128 slots
  4. Need for Speed: Pro Street: 64 slots
  5. StarCraft®: Brood War: 32 slots
  6. WarCraft® III : The Frozen Throne: 32 slots

The registration will start on Thursday, 17th July 2008 at 12:00am. So quick book your place fast since the slots are limited.

Login to WCG Malaysia 2008 website for more info

Any clarifications needed, e-mail august@in2.com.my

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Attacking: Direction Through Passes

Through passes is a feature that was introduce in FIFA 03 or FIFA 04 if im not mistaken. In the previous version before 03 all the passes are the same. Its either you do a straight pass or a curling ball.

Now one thing nice about through passes is it is powerful. You can charge up the power and do a powerful through passes from one end to another. Plus the benefit of through passes is you can caught your opponent by surprise. Its direct powerful approach makes it suitable for fast play with fast striker.

Now there is a trick in through passes. Through passes was created in order to release the player in a running motion. Instead of the ball pass directly to the player, in through passes the ball being played to make sure the striker will run and get it leaving the defender a few pace back.

One of the trick is the through pass must be send according to the intended player's body motion. For example:

Red Arrow Indicates The Direction Where The Striker Is Facing

As you can see, the ball was pass according to the direction where the striker is facing. By doing so, the striker will auto run to get the ball and keep him in a running motion which give him space to do whatever necessary in that position.

In order to do this, must focus and observe the motion of the striker properly. 1 mistake will send the ball the wrong way and you've lost the possession.

So play beautiful football! ^^

Monday, July 7, 2008

Motivation: Im Not Superman

I believe we all when we were young wanted to be as strong as Superman. How we could wish we can fly around the world at supersonic speed, shoot laser beam eye, kick some bad guys a$$ and be the one who make all the girls fainted.Aahhh~

Smack back into reality it is impossible to be like Superman. Well maybe we can still go around the world by plane and still make girls scream our name by becoming a rock star or celebs but hey.. it doesnt matter in the end.

I wanna share with you guys a poem that inspire me a lot. A poem that tells us that to be successful being strong or have big muscle doesnt matter in the end. Its not about who can do awesome moves or do 100% success rate in shooting. What matters is in our mind. If you believe you can win, yes you can! If you believe you can be rich, yes you can! If you believe you can be a FIFA Champion, yes you can! Its all in the state of your mind.

I would like to dedicate this poem to all the readers here and to all my friends who are going into a tough time. If we all keep our minds together believe that we shall see the rainbow at the end of the day. And for those of you who feel you are not good enough, there is no such thing. If you believe in yourself there is nothing you cant achieve.

So enjoy~ ^^

If you think you are beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you dont.
If you like to win, but you think you cant,
It is almost certain you wont.

If you think you'll lose, you're lost,
For out of the world we find,
Success begins with a fellow's will---
Its all in the STATE OF MIND.

If you think you are outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise,
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mentality: Defend,Attack and Counter.

Defending,attacking and counter attack. This is the basic of football. A good player is a player which are good in all 3 areas. A player might be specialize in certain area for example defending or attacking but it is often those who win are those who are good in all areas.

Now from my own experience, there are more attacking players rather than defensive players. Well it is more exciting to play attacking football with all those amazing passes and dribbles but attacking players often make a mistake in defense. When ever they are defending, they always want to grab back the ball as fast as they can. They just rush out to get the ball from the opponent legs. In other words, their mind is still thinking to attack although its their time to defend.

This is what i want to share today. The mistake that most player did; wrong mentality. When its time to defend, went the ball is not with us, we must defend. Do not rush out to get the ball as fast as you want. First you make sure your defense line is in order. Only when the defense line is in place then you can think of getting the ball. What most people did is they just go out and get the ball because they are still in the attacking mentality. Because of this there are a lot of holes and make it easier for the opponent to score. So when its your turn to defend, you defend like The Great Wall Of China.

The same goes to attacking and counter attack. Most people when they get the ball they just straight away pump the ball to the striker regardless of the number of defender at the back. This is also a wrong mentality whereby counter attack means attack as swift and as fast as you can. The perfect timing to counter is when there are only 2-3 defender at the back. But most people just pass the ball to the striker although there are more than 4 at the back. Which in the end result in a failure to counter and thus giving away free possession to the opponent. If there is more than 4, build up your play slowly. If there is less, counter as swift as you can.

So it is important to understand and to have the right mentality. Although it seems simple, believe me there are many player who forgot to think of the right mentality. In the end it comes down to who has the strongest basic.

So play beautiful football ^^

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Defending: Manual Switch Player Button

Something new to FIFA 08 compare to the previous version is the ability to select any player you want during defending. You can even select the furthest player at the back even if your at your opponent half. This is the benefit of this switch button.

The switch button on keyboard is shift+Q and on gamepad its the right stick. Certain gamepad doesnt have this feature because you need to install the gamepad program 1st.

So whats the benefit of this button? Guess what, this button was design to block long ball! In the previos version long ball seems to be the move that always inflict pain in the ass. So EA has come up with a brilliant defending move which is Manual Switch Player Button.

How to use it?

1st: Select your last defender

Red: Opponent Blue: You

Then move to the back slowly as far as you can but not too far. If you saw the striker running then i suggest you start follow him as well. By doing this he wont have any free space to run forward anymore.

Dont Pressure Just Go Back

Although it seems simple but most people forgot to do this act of defense or even sometimes didnt quickly change to the last defender. Get use to it and you can block any long ball that comes into you path.

So play beautiful football ^^